Among the many thin and thick, Endless and round faces and sides, There are a few favorites, not that spicy, But, worthy in their own way from pasta. There are countless names for them: fiocci, farmelle, Carrot penne, rigate, fusilli, and a thousand words. And there is no point in comparing it with anything, believe me. How to compare someone's love with yours. With tomato and pepper, mushrooms, sesame seeds, Balsamic, arugula, garlic and thyme. Somewhere in the sky they are now remembering How to hear a little parmesan with your nose. I know all the thoughts are repeated, hackneyed. I sincerely believe that everything was and is. But only now I’m from “Buon appetito” I want to eat something with pasta...
Canvas. Oil. 60x40 April. 2024
Not every meaning finds instant echoes in the storehouse of the soul, but everyone is given the opportunity to touch the string. The only question is who is tearing and who is trying to barely touch ?! Everything has its time and result ...