It has become a custom in the villages and towns where Jews live, That the rabbi gives wise advice to everyone. People go to him to grieve, to decide which wine to serve at the funeral, How best to make peace, or to find a worker for themselves. People run to him when they are ready to leave home light. Those who have ceased to love the world drag their sandals to him! Any agility without wise advice is just a jump, which may result not in profit, but in debt... And therefore, whoever doubts a gram - runs to the rabbi in the morning to ask for advice - what to do, and should anything happen at all?! What is the secret?! So a young man came to the wise rabbi one day. - My good Rebbe, I want to ask you for advice! My parents died recently on the road and left me a lot of things to do, and also money that I'm afraid to use incorrectly, because you know, I'm young, and therefore I can get into the wrong direction. What do you think is the best course of action?! Sew it into a mattress?! Or maybe take it to the bank and open a savings account there?! Or maybe bury it somewhere in the garden beds?! You know that times are such that it's better not to play hide and seek with the state these days! What should I do, my wise Rebbe?! I really don't want to lose all this money... Suddenly there was a knock on the door, and the girl fluttered in like a butterfly. - Forgive me, I beg you, I'm in a hurry! Can I ask the Rebbe for advice?! - Please, go ahead, I'm in no hurry. I'll wait... And the girl began to twitter in a low voice about her need. - I'm getting married today. - My heartfelt congratulations, - the rabbi said kindly. - So that's it. I am still a girl, and I do not know how to lie down on the marriage bed with my husband after the wedding - in a shirt or without?! The rabbi thought for a moment, scratched the back of his head, wiped the sweat from his forehead, suddenly brightened and said: - Alas. My dear butterfly! Whether you lie in a shirt or without, you will be deprived of your virginity without delay. Oh, by the way (he turned to the young man) my answer concerns you too! Wherever you put the money - as long as there is fear in you - you will be f*cked without hesitation, by the state, or someone else, just give a reason, and there would be honor…
Canvas. Oil. 50x52 September 2024
Not every meaning finds instant echoes in the storehouse of the soul, but everyone is given the opportunity to touch the string. The only question is who is tearing and who is trying to barely touch ?! Everything has its time and result ...