Spring is felt faster by the birds, Than calendar numbers a gradual move. Yes, of course, winter will still try to pick up its own, But if the birds sang outside the window - Life awakens in nature And so I want to gnaw an icicle, as in childhood, hiding the mittens. The melodiousness captivates the ear. She is contagious, I want to whistle and smile. How can one admire the melting of snow and mud, So you can get into what The cold gradually gives way to the infinitely kind sunbeams. The thawed patch, like a revelation that suddenly appeared there, Where the stream has its own world and ecstasy in it. What about us?! It remains for us to enjoy spring again, Love that gives birth in the soul is not only for cats, But also hostesses waiting for the summer. Already in a hurry to make diets, To shine with a softened silhouette, Walking with a gait “from the hip” along the sidewalks of cities ...
Canvas. Oil. 50x100 February 2023
Not every meaning finds instant echoes in the storehouse of the soul, but everyone is given the opportunity to touch the string. The only question is who is tearing and who is trying to barely touch ?! Everything has its time and result ...